The value of a graphic ad in 2014 ,
have increased by 5,7% in comparison to the previous year.
Display is placed first on an online advertisement pie chart. The use/share of a basic ads formats in online pie chart.
Source: Raport IAB AdEx 2104

Dynamika formatów rok do roku w roku 2014
Source: Raport IAB/PwC AdEx 2014 FY

Display marketing
is still the best way to reach your target audience, because it offers lots of targeting possibilities and various models of advertisement.
For commercial purposes, display advertisement takes different forms in the Internet.

text ads
are popular, displayed in search results “sponsored links”

graphic ads
rely on static or animated graphics, that use the attractive graphic form to encourage the Internet users to take action.

video ads
rely on motion picture, ads in video format are the most popular form of promotion in the Internet.

multimedia ads
animated ads often interactive, in Flash format and one connecting text with animated elements.